We are delighted to announce Echo product line 3.2. with several new features and improvements!
New features of this upgrade:
The new timeline feature in Echo handheld tools is a great improvement that enables easy replay and pausing of measurement displays while making measurements. When in use, Timeline will synchronize all windows to a dedicated time stamp, to make sure all parameters and even L3 can be identified in the review. This improves the ability to identify network problems while measuring in the field, for example, when identifying the root cause of dropped calls, handover failures, etc. No need to wait until post-processing!
To utilize the Timeline, simply tap the play button on the right or any point on the Timeline and slide the red vertical marker left and right to view parameter values at different times.
Timeline in real-time and paused to 9:29:39
In addition, Timeline displays detected technologies as well as tests as separate bars. Ongoing tests are displayed as gray, failed tests as red, and completed tests as green bars.
To resume viewing continuous measuring, press the deactivated play button. The button activates and the vertical indicator disappears. You can tap the play button any time to resume the Timeline to display the current moment.
Full User Interface including Timeline
The Timeline is located at the bottom of the screen and it can be set in and out of view by swiping up and down on the control bar.
Measurement view sharing via Cloud
With the new update, you can publish customized views to Cloud for more convenient teamwork and swapping of devices.
Publishing customized measurement view to Cloud
Published views listed in Cloud
With view sharing, you no longer need to configure customized views over and over again with different devices. Instead, the whole team can share views to make sure to get consistent, comparative, and combinable readings for display. Everyone gets and every device displays the same information on the ongoing measurement.
What is more, you can swap your set of views according to your needs and restore previously published views back from Cloud when needed.
Adding page from Cloud to Echo One
Connected devices displayed alphabetical order in Echo Plus
Devices connected to Echo Plus will appear in alphabetical order according to their device name from now on. This makes it easier to always have your connected devices displayed in the same order. The alphabetically fixed order creates clarity and routine for device control. This, in turn, increases work efficiency by streamlining the device control visually.
For example, you can organize phones in a backpack, name them alphabetically and then be sure they always appear in the same order on the controlling tablet tool. This makes it easier to identify the phones and to keep them always in a specific order when reconnecting.
Connected devices in alphabetical order in Echo Plus
PDF manuals now available in Cloud
Manuals in both PDF and webhelp format are now available in Cloud. PDF format enables offline use and printing after download whereas webhelp manuals continue to provide an easy online browsing option. Our customers can now select the most suitable format for their purposes and have access to the manuals in both offline and online environments!
The manuals can be found in Cloud under User Settings (click the user name on the top bar) as before, however, now you can select to download manuals for offline use or to browse the manuals online.
Additional improvements
- Improved scanner integration making the use of scanners even easier than before. This improvement ensures the smooth use of scanners: When connecting a scanner, if there is only one scanner available, you do not have to select it: it is connected automatically. In addition, if a scanner that was connected the last time is detected again, it is automatically connected without having to select it. This streamlines working with scanners significantly and makes connection processes run faster and smoother.
- Expanded selection of pre-defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for report generation. This adds to the convenience of report generation when a wider selection of pre-defined KPIs is available by default without the need for users to create them themselves.
- Remote update for Echo Connect module via Cloud is now possible. This adds significantly to the convenience of Echo Connect: you can get the latest updates on Connect as soon as they are out and without the inconvenience of having to purchase a new physical device.
- Full L3 signaling support for HiSilicon phones (UMTS, LTE, and 5G) is now available to improve the user experience for customers using HiSilicon phones. This broadens the versatility of our tools running on Huawei devices which adds considerably to the flexibility of our solution!
L3 Signaling with Echo One running on a Huawei phone
The new version will be pushed to Cloud shortly and it will be offered as an automatic update.
Happy upgrading!
Enhancell team
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